Rainbow Door is a free specialist LGBTIQA+ (Lesbian, Gay , Bisexual, Transgender and Gender Diverse, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, BrotherBoys, SisterGirls) helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family. This service is run by Switchboard Victoria.


Rainbow Door is a free service for all Victorian LGBTIQA+ people, their friends and family.

What is Rainbow Door?


Our specialist helpline will provide people with information, advice and referral - supporting people of all ages and identities.

Some of the issue you may contact us about may include suicidal thoughts, family and intimate partner violence (including elder abuse), issues with alcohol and other drugs, relationship issues, sexual assault, social isolation, mental health and wellbeing and access to relevant services including disability and support for older people.

Through advice, referral and support from an experienced LGBTIQA+ peer, Rainbow Door will help all LGBTIQA+ people navigate the system to access the supports we need. Rainbow Door is a free service.

How can I get support?


Rainbow Door is a free service, it will be accessible through email, phone and text messaging services. Callers will be able to leave voice and text messages after hours and get a call back during operational hours.

Our operational hours are 10am - 5pm, every day. 

All staff in the Rainbow Door are experienced specialist workers with case management, suicide intervention and risk assessment skills. We can provide Family Violence risk assessment and safety planning. We can assist you to access LGBTIQA+ friendly services and connection to advocacy or advice in relation to mental health, disability, relationship or support for older people.

If you are in a crisis and need urgent support, please contact 000.

Who is this service for?


Rainbow Door is available for all Victorian LGBTIQA+ people and all those who wish to support an LGBTIQA+ person. 

This may include friends, family (both biological and chosen), peer support workers, counsellors, doctors and other practitioners, mental health and family violence support workers.

Rainbow Door is a free service to provide the Victorian LGBTIQA+ community with support, referral and information. 

This service is for all LGBTIQA+ people that live in Victorian regardless of visa status. We welcome contact from asylum seekers living in Victoria, international students and international visitors in Victoria.

You don’t need to be alone.

You can call, text or email Rainbow Door for information, advice and support.
Phone: 1800 729 367 | Text: 0480 017 246 | Email: support@switchboard.org.au

Switchboard Victoria - connecting the LGBTIQA+ community


Switchboard Victoria is a community based not for profit organisation that provides a peer driven, support service for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer, asexual (LGBTIQA+) communities and their allies, friends, support workers and families.

We run services to support the LGBTIQA+ community including:

  • Working in partnership to provide the national LGBTIQ+ telephone and webchat service QLife

  • Suicide prevention programs and activities

  • Family and intimate partner (including elder abuse) prevention and response services

  • An older persons support service and mainstream services capacity building program

  • Anti Racism programs and activities that address the needs of Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Colour.